Fuse Panels

The biggest problem with fuse panels is the relentless use of fuses that are too big.

fuses too big in panel

If a fuse keeps blowing, you need to pay attention. It is a red flag that there is a real problem. Either there is something faulty on the line and that fuse is protecting you from it, or there is too heavy of a load for the wiring and the fuse is letting you know you are past your electrical limit for that wire. If the load on that wire is too much the fuse is supposed to blow and shut off the power to that wire. If it does not blow, (because someone has screwed in an oversized fuse) the wire overheats and puts the home at risk of a fire.

Fuses controlling LIGHTS AND PLUGS are never to have a fuse bigger than 15 amps.


AIR CONDITIONING UNITS AND DRYERS typically use 30 amp fuses.

ELECTRIC STOVES use 40 amp fuses. (available in cartridge style only)

One solution is to use fuse rejectors. Fuse rejectors are inserts that go into your fuse panel to block a larger amperage fuse from being installed where a smaller one is required.

15 and 20 amp fuse rejectors avoid inadvertent overfusing with larger fuses

15 and 20 amp fuse 

rejectors avoid 

inadvertent overfusing 

with larger fuses

A 15 amp fuse rejector will only allow 15 amp fuses to be screwed in to them. Nothing bigger will fit.

A 20 amp fuse rejector will only allow 20 amp and 15 amp fuses to be screwed in to them. Nothing bigger will fit.

Fuse rejectors must never be installed without the main power to the house being off.

It is NOT A Do It Yourself PROJECT.

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ECRA/ESA Licence# 7014005
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