What To Do When A Winter Storm Damages Your Incoming Hydro Service
Imagine being woken during a howling blizzard to a large crash outside and no hydro. This is often the scenario when your electrical service equipment gets unexpected damage from falling tree limbs. It doesn’t necessarily have to hit your home to cause the damage. A tree or even a large limb that lands on the wires coming in from the street is often heavy enough to pull the electrical connection off the wall of your home.
Safety Precautions
The main power coming in from the street is much higher amperage than the power that you find at each outlet in your home and is very dangerous. Ensure that you and your family stay clear of the wires if they have fallen. Electricity will travel through the ground and may cause a serious shock without even coming in contact with the wire. You are going to need emergency service from electrical professionals to deal with this kind of damage.
Getting the Damage Repaired
To repair an incoming electrical service you will require the services of three different electrical professional groups. You will need to have licensed electrical contractor, who will be in contact with both the Electrical Safety Authority and your local Electrical Utility company.
Licensed Electrical Contractor
It is important to remember that a licensed electrical contractor and a licensed electrician are not synonymous. An electrical contractor employs electricians, but here in Ontario an electrician cannot work in your home independently. They must be working through an electrical contractor. The electrical contractor has the license required to take out the necessary permits with the ESA for the repair.
Local Utility Company
The local utility company will be to your home twice during this type of repair. They have the responsibility of cutting off the incoming power to the home so the repairs can be safely made. As well, after they after they have been informed by the ESA that the work has passed inspection, they come back and restore the flow of power to your electrical system.
If you are unsure who the local utility company is in your area, it can be quickly established by looking at your electricity bill. It varies throughout our region so check your bill carefully.
Electrical Safety Authority
The Electrical Safety Authority — ESA — must inspect the repair before ordering the power to be restored to the home. If your electrical contractor is a member of the ESA authorized contractor program (ACP), the inspector can fast track your reconnection without needing an on-site visit.
Using electrical professionals with the right licenses and certifications is the best way to get your power restored to your home quickly and safely. The Shock Doctors can help make sure that when you have an electrical emergency, you and your family are safe from electrical harm and get your power back to normal as quickly as possible.