Does Your Under Cabinet Lighting Melt Your Butter? It’s time to Upgrade to LED’s!

In this video Shock Doctor Jonathan explains how our customer’s lighting in her kitchen was so hot that it was melting the butter she left on the counter. Jonathan replaced all of her old-style lights with new cool LED Under Cabinet Lighting.

New Energy Efficient LED Under Cabinet Lighting

Our Client was having issues with her butter melting in her kitchen. We discovered that this was from her old lights overheating .

Under Cabinet Lights

You can see from the burn mark on the metal portion of the fixture as the light was actually overheating from the old incandescent bulbs.

We installed new Energy Efficient, LED Under Cabinet Lighting for our Client.

New LED Under Cabinet Lighting

She no longer has to worry about her butter melting!

Contact us today to arrange an appointment with one of our Licensed Electricians and find out about upgrading the lighting in your home!

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